Bobbie studied Chinese Medicine extensively in Japan, China and Vietnam. She graduated from The London Academy of Oriental Medicine in 1997. She is a member of The British Acupuncture Society and has worked within the NHS. Until recently Bobbie lived and practiced in the Caribbean, working for 8 years on the private island of Mustique and also in Barbados. She now runs a private practice in Richmond, London
Acupuncture has been a major part of primary healthcare in China for over 5,000 years. It is used extensively for a variety of medical purposes ranging from prevention and treatment of disease, to relieving pain and anaesthetising patients for surgery.
It is the vital energy called Qi which makes us living breathing creatures. Qi isn’t just inside you, but is everywhere. We take it from the air we breathe and the food we eat. You can also get Qi from others through love and attention. Exercising in fresh air moves Qi, but laziness and disease can make Qi stagnate. If our Qi is deficient or blocked this can lead to disease.
Acupuncture balances and unblocks Qi. Chinese Herbs provide quality Qi directly to the organs
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